The aim of this project is to increase the social functioning of young people who have been released from prison and to provide an available and efficient support network in 3 regions in Estonia. The competence of probation officers and other specialists dealing with young people to offer continuing support will have increased in Southern-, Eastern-, and Western Estonia.
Also, an adapted motivational and social skills program will be developed and applied for young people with mental and behavioral disorders. In addition, the competence of the informal network surrounding young people who have been released from prison to offer help and support will have increased in Southern Estonia.
As a result of this project, a comprehensive continuing support model will be developed with the purpose of increasing the social functioning of young people who have been released from prison, and decreasing the number of repeated crimes. Main target groups are: young people who have been released from prison, teachers and school management, members of the informal network (e.g. parents, randparents, siblings), other members of the society.